Rabu, 31 Oktober 2018

MENAPAY menggantikan metode pembayaran tradisional dengan cryptocurrency yang didukung penuh oleh blockchain

Gambar terkait
Pembayaran alternatif mengacu pada metode pembayaran yang digunakan sebagai alternatif dari pembayaran tradisonal.Sebagian besar metode pembayaran alternatif membahas ekonomi domestik atau telah dikembangkan secara khusus untuk perdagangan elektronik dan sistem pembayaran umumnya didukung dan dioperasikan oleh bank lokal.Setiap metode pembayaran alternatif memiliki aplikasi unik dan proses penyelesaiannya,dukungan bahasa dan mata uang dan tunduk pada aturan dan peraturan domestik.

Kartu debit juga dikenal sebagai kartu bank atau kartu cek adalah kartu plastik yang menyediakan metode pembayaran alternatif tradisional untuk uang tunai ketika melakukan pembelian.Kartu charge adalah kartu plastik yang memberikan alternatif untuk uang tunai ketika melakukan pembelian di mana penerbit dan pemegang kartu masuk ke dalam perjanjian bahwa utang yang timbul pada akun tagihan akan dibayar penuh dan pada tanggal jatuh tempo.

MenaPay adalah gateway pembayaran berbasis blokir pertama yang didukung sepenuhnya di Timur Tengah dan Afrika.MenaPay menggantikan metode pembayaran tradisional dengan cryptocurrency yang didukung penuh oleh blockchain.Visi MenaPay adalah membangun situs web dan aplikasi berbasis seluler yang akan memungkinkan integrasi solusi pembayaran crypto ke berbagai situs web dan mendukung bahasa Arab di dasbornya.

Pembayaran baru seperti Bitcoin dan solusi cryptocurrency lainnya telah mengecewakan kami karena mereka mahal dan melibatkan biaya transaksi yang besar dan tidak layak untuk kebutuhan pembayaran harian anda seperti membeli bahan makanan,membayar taksi dan layanan lain yang tersedia untuk setiap hari.MenaPay menargetkan untuk mengubah status quo dengan membawa 100% solusi digital Islam non-bank,menggunakan blockchain untuk menciptakan mata uang tunggal untuk digunakan dalam transaksi sehari-hari dan lintas batas,https://www.menapay.io/

Kami menciptakan standar baru dalam industri crypto untuk tingkat pengembalian partisipatif,di luar insentif reguler untuk pengguna dan investor.
-Transaksi P2P
-P2M Peer to Merchant Pembayaran
-Merchant M2F ke Yayasan
-Pertambangan Hijau
Dalam perkembangan selanjutnya pelaksanaan untuk program ini adalah wilayah afrika utara dan timur tengah.Dengan makin majunya teknologi dan seluruh ekosistem Blockchain telah tumbuh dengan kecepatan yang terpuji,sebagian besar pembangunan terjadi di beberapa kantong dunia.Timur Tengah dan kawasan Afrika Utara sejauh ini tetap terisolasi dari pertumbuhan di Blockchain.Wilayah ini berada di bawah infrastruktur perbankan yang dikembangkan karena hukum Syariah Islam yang melarang bunga pinjaman.Akibatnya,wilayah GCC memiliki lembaga keuangan yang sesuai syariah yang mewakili sekitar 1% dari total aset dunia.Wilayah ini juga memiliki struktur politik yang sangat terfragmentasi dengan berbagai mata uang yang telah melarang penyatuan seluruh wilayah menjadi satu pasar.

Penulis: cinta monyet
Bitcointalk saya: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1957091
ETH Saya: 0x27f2C553D029EB21ae74493b058A267779447b38

Jumat, 26 Oktober 2018


A Revolution OS For Computer Systems Like Never Before

An Operating System Designed for PC’s & Laptops, which will solve the issue of Viruses and Data Theft by its unique method of data security system, and additionally it solves second major issue of System users in which the users can now experience several platforms application on Excalibur OS, which means application files from major OS Like “Android, Windows, Mac, iOS & Linux” will be supported by Excalibur Operating System.

Why We choose ERC20 Platform?

We use ERC20 Platform as ERC20 is a technical standard used for smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. By analyzing a rapid growth of Ethereum we choose ERC20 based on Ethereum Platform as our platform to launch our XOS token.
Ethereum uses a complex data structure called a Merkle Patricia Tree to store a tree of program states, allowing for quick modification and verification of the various states required to execute an ICO. Instead of only containing a transaction ledger, the Ethereum blockchain’s multiple program states allows for the execution of smart contracts that automatically calculate the number of funds raised, verify and confirm transactions, and distribute new tokens upon the completion of the crowdsale.


Benefits are the rewards to token holders who have invested in our Business Model or on Tokens. We’ll be providing different type of benefit to token holders that are described below
  • Market Price of ICO will be increasing in near future, which will be a benefit for token holders as per the point of view of trading.
  • Operating System BETA Version will be initially be launched for Token Holders in 1st Quarter of 2019
  • Mining Management would be very easy by Excalibur OS.
  • No more expensive fees for Antivirus
  • Tokens can be sold internationally over the internet
  • Tokens have a liquidity premium (>1000X improvement in time-to-liquidity)
  • Transparency of use of funds, an escrow can be used to verify how the funds are being spent after the ICO
  • Early contributors will have more liquidity in early stage companies
  • Early access to a token which has the potential for rapid capital growth
  • Contributors are usually the first users of the token — thus unlike holding a stock of a company whose products a contributor never used, ironically our tokens can be more tangible than securities


XOS token will be released on the basis of Ethereum and Bitcoin platform. It’s compatibility of the token with third-party services wallets, exchanges etc, and provides easy-to-use integration.
Start ( Pre ICO ): Sep 3, 2018 (8:00AM IST)
End ( Pre ICO ): Nov 3, 2018
Number of tokens for sale: 2,000,000,000 XOS
Tokens exchange rate: 1 USD = 100 XOS Tokens
Acceptable currencies: ETH, BTC,
Minimal transaction amount: 100 USD
Bonus & Refferal: 500,000,000
Bonus & Refferal: 500,000,000
Pre ICO: 200,000,000
ICO: 1,800,000,000

Excalibur Token Sale

Pre-ICO — 200 M
ICO 1st Phase — 200 M
ICO 2nd phase- 400 M
ICO 3rd Phase — 400 M
Final Phase — 800 M

Token Distribution

Token For Crowdsale- 60%
Advisors- 10%
Reserve- 10%
Excalibur- 20%


2014, Q-4
Project Idea Was Proposed
2015, Q-1
The Team Was Build & Development Of Excalibur OS Was Started
2015, Q-4
Kernal Development Was Finished In The Month Of October
2016, Q-1
User Interface Got Ready In February.
2016 Q-2
Virus Protection System For Excalibur OS Was Built.
2016, Q-3
Team Started working on Majon Part i.e. All Platforms Power in a Single Platform.
2017, Q-3
Platform Development Was Finished
2018, Q-1
Mining Management System Development Was Started
2018, Q-2
Excalibur OS Got Official Existence.
2018, Q-3
PRE ICO In September 2018
2018, Q-4
ICO, & Testing on BETA Version
2019, Q-1
BETA Version of Excalibur OS will be releasing & token will be available for trading
2019, Q-3
BETA Version With Artificial Intelligence (AI) like SIRI & Cortana
2019, Q-4
The BETA Version with Next Update will be launched that is Virtual Reality.


The Excalibur OS Team combines a passion for esports, industry experise & proven record in finance, development, marketing & licensing.
Suraj Singh Bisht: Founder & CEO Excalibur OS
Neeraj Pal Singh Karakoti: Co-Founder & Senior Developer
Anmol Agarwal: COO & Front-End Desktop Apps Architect & Developer Expert In C++
Dr. Sanjay Agarwal: Desktop & Embedded Software Developer
Kavita Gariya: Chief Scientific Developer
Sajal Manglik: Mining Management & Node.js Developer
Faheem Ahamad: CMO & System Developer
Dr. Sartaj Hussain: Test Automation & Security Analyst
Brijita Solanki: Mining Management & PHP Developer
Trilok Singh: Mining Management & Node.js Developer


Giovanni Casagrande
Giacomo Arcaro
Sydney Ifergan
Andrew Chung
Tinh Tran
Nozomu Nakazato
Mauro Andriotto
For More Information Click Link Bellow:
Author:  cinta monyet
My Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1957091

EverID Verification Globally using Blockchain

everid logo.jpg

Warm greetings for loyal friends of blogger, Hello in my article this time I would like to introduce ICO or project EVERID, thank you for taking the time to read this article

EverID’s Decentralized Identity Platform

EverID has built a decentralized digital identity system to store and confirm user identity data, documentation, and biometrics. The platform is available to all human beings from birth until death. It does not require a mobile device to join, is encrypted to protect users’ privacy, and is interoperable with other systems. Institutions, corporations, and government organizations can effectively, cheaply

and quickly validate user identity, at scale. Value can then be transferred securely to the correct recipient with reduced transaction costs, lower losses from leakage, and innovations in service and value transfer.

EverID is a disruptive product with an existing prototype, a highly experienced team, and is working with a large Bretton Woods banking institution4 and UN Agencies. It is building the biggest single opportunity for expanding financial inclusion amongst.

Unlocking opportunity with identity

Over a billion people in the world currently do not have a verifiable identity. 2.6 billion people live without a bank account, and close to 5 billion do not have access to a smartphone. The combination of these factors prevents investment, enterprise, and institutional development in emerging markets. The lack of verifiable identity also prevents individuals from accessing the global economy. It leaves close to half the population unable to realise their full economic potential and is a major contributing factor to why 40% of the world currently represents only 20% of the global GDP.

Empowerment through identity

EverID is a device-free, universal identity and value-exchange platform that allows anyone to prove their identity, store value, and transfer funds. It utilizes biometric identity and an immutable ledger that allows the seamless exchange of value between governments, banks, NGOs, insurance companies, hospitals, and other organizations. It reduces fraud and leakage. It makes identity verification at scale more cost-effective than ever before.

Users receive social and economic benefits from their digital identity. No device is needed to access these benefits. An inclusive and secure identity means seamless value transfer and access to global economic services such as banking, credit, and insurance.

The ID token

IDs are a utility token that allow access to the EverID network and the applications and services built upon it. The 800 million issued ID tokens will be purchased by banks, governments, NGOs, large organizations, and users (i.e. remittance senders) that want to access EverID’s network. Institutions are given varying levels of access to the platform based on how many tokens they hold while users will not be required to hold IDs in order to receive value.

A device-free digital identity would empower almost 5 billion people to become part of the global economy, thereby facilitating external investment in emerging markets. Universal and inclusive identity will be the catalyst for trillions of dollars worth of transactions, value transfers, and identity verification costs.

Value of identity

A verifiable digital identity will enable emerging market economies to grow into a $40+ trillion opportunity.
Target: $20M
Pre-sale: August 2018

Use of funds 

Token Allocation

Roadmap and Traction

Team EverID

EverID is made up of an experienced team with multiple successful IPOs, acquisitions, and startup and blockchain projects behind them.


To contribute and Know the progress of this offer, you may visit some of the following Links:

Website: https://everid.net/

Author: cinta monyet
Bitcointalk Profile:
Eth address : 

Smilo: een revolutionair platform voor “hybride blokkades”


The world has witnessed an overwhelming interest in Blockchain across various industries across nations, from tens of hundred new startups, to dedicated blockchain labs showing up in both commercial and federal institutions, or to multiple consortia established for solving major challenges of their industry.
Blockchain technology retains a great level of detail in its records for all financial and non-financial transactions made. Blockchain technology minimizes the chances of misinformation or manipulated information being distributed across the network. One of the best parts up for discussion about public blockchain is that it’s generally not governed by one particular entity. Each participant or entity gets the opportunity to share or generate copies. While some see it as strength, it is also viewed as a big disadvantage as few might claim it’s not secure enough.
Fortunately, Blockchain technology can be utilized in three different ways—public, private and hybrid. While much has been said and discussed about public and private blockchain, hybrid blockchain technology still remains untouched and is comparatively a ‘fresh’ term.


Smilo is a revolutionary “hybrid” blockchains platform that will be able to host hybrid transactions, smart contracts and decentralized applications. Low power consumption will ensure the sustainability of the Smilo blockchain, making it eco-friendly. This is achieved with a hybrid consensus mechanism that is based on the Proof of Stake (PoS) and The Byzantine Fault Tolerance Plus (BFT+).
Meanwhile, a unique Smilo Network Protocol (SNP) will ensure scalability, enabling to create a network that is 100 times faster than Ethereum. Smilo will feature low fees, total decentralization and complete Ethereum blockchain and smart contracts compatibility. Smilo blockchain eliminates the mistakes of its predecessors, as well as bringing blockchain technology closer to mass adoption.
Smilo blockchain platform can power both private and public blockchain networks and Decentralized Applications. The Smilo team states that their goal is to develop a full-featured blockchain platform that will host hybrid transactions, smart contracts, and decentralized applications. The developers claim their solution can be adopted in the following fields: medical sector, product tracking, insurance industry, logistics, etc.


Smilo uses a unique and self-made The Byzantine Fault Tolerance Plus (BFT+), BFT is the same as Proof of Stake (PoS) faster and more efficient, but both were not perfect. The standard BFT and PoS mechanism is not the safest consensus mechanism. For this, Smilo has improved the standard BFT mechanism by creating a unique Smilo BFT + consensus mechanism. The mechanism is fully safe, measurable, fast, and sustainable transactions. So that with this Smilo has many advantages including:
Transparent: Users can monitor transactions more transparently, By using this technology
Anti Corruption: With transparency, it can minimize or even eliminate acts of corruption in each transaction
Sustainable: Green blockchain platform via Smilo BFT + protocol.
Privacy protection: Through smart contracts and hybrid transactions
Secure: Smilo's BFT + offers better security than the previous mechanism.
Fast and Scalable: This platform will be 100 times faster than ethereum or other platforms
Affordable: Smilo provides transactions with a much cheaper fee


The system will employ two tokens: Smilo token (XSM) and SmiloPay token (XSP). The Smilo tokens are an integral part of the Smilo network. They represent users’ personal shares and power to influence the network. SmiloPay tokens will be used to pay all service fees. Used as a service fee to register or change assets. This service fee will then be distributed proportionally to all Smilo owners, which means that SmiloPay will be circulated through the system.

ICO Information

Token Name: Smilo Token
Token Symbol: XSM
Total supply: 200,000,000 XSM
Tokens for Sale: 84,960,000
Price in ICO: 1 Smilo = 0.25 USD
SoftCap: USD 2,500,000
HardCap: USD 18,000,000

Token Distribution



Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1957091

Apa itu NAMEK?

ICO adalah bentuk daya tarik investasi dalam proyek-proyek cryptocurrency tanpa dasar peraturan. Ini berarti bahwa pencetus penempatan utama koin dapat berupa orang alami atau hukum. Idenya adalah nilai fundamental ICO. Ini dibuat untuk implementasi ide / proyek dan koleksi investasi. Seluruh proses melibatkan implementasi beberapa fase:
Pengumuman awal. Para pemrakarsa ICO berbagi ide Anda dengan publik.
Menawarkan. Ini adalah proposal untuk kerja sama. Dalam kasus ICO - pada investasi.
kampanye pemasaran. Ketika hampir semuanya siap untuk memulai startup ICO, "flywheel" dari iklan mulai terungkap. Tidak seperti pemberitahuan sebelumnya, startup sudah dapat memberi tahu lebih banyak tentang produk / layanannya, yang mengungkap kondisi investasi, sasaran, detail teknis.
Mulai penjualan. Peluncuran penuh penjualan chip juga disebut crowdsale atau token. Awalnya, startup menawarkan investor untuk membeli token di platformnya (situs web).
Namun, untuk meningkatkan minat Anda dalam proyek Anda dan menyebarkan informasi, bisnis lebih mungkin menggunakan asisten. Bounty adalah hadiah yang ditawarkan oleh produsen ico untuk layanan tertentu. Dalam istilah sederhana, startup memberi orang-orang chip mereka untuk kontribusi mereka terhadap pengembangan proyek. 
Namek Projekt.io dirancang khusus untuk hubungan ini, mengembangkan hubungan antara pengembang / penyelenggara ICO dan pengguna yang menawarkan layanan mereka.
platform terjun payung. Tujuan mereka adalah untuk meningkatkan kesadaran akan peluncuran penggalangan dana dan proyek secara keseluruhan. Pengusaha memberi penghargaan kepada pengguna atas partisipasi mereka di komunitas dan media sosial. Sebagai penggemar, Anda akan menerima beberapa token proyek penting untuk Anda.
Bounty adalah platform. Di sini, Anda dapat menunjukkan bakat dan keterampilan Anda dalam kemegahan penuh. Untuk beberapa tindakan, Anda akan menerima token. Anda dapat memilih arah di mana Anda baik:
Tandatangan BitcoinTalk. Promosikan ICO dengan tanda tangan profil BitcoinTalk yang dipersonalisasi.
Kampanye Media Sosial (Airdrop). Tingkatkan pengaruh kata-dari-mulut di sekitar ICO dengan menjadikannya topik utama untuk diskusi media sosial. Ini bahkan bisa dicapai melalui selera dan kesempatan.
Terjemahan. Jadikan ICO Global. Jika Anda fasih dalam bahasa asing, Anda membantu proyek menjangkau khalayak luas.
Produksi video. Buat pernyataan, iklan atau video pemasaran untuk mengilustrasikan produk dan ICO.
Artikel ditulis. Buat posting blog dan poster yang bermakna untuk meningkatkan visibilitas ICO di pasar.
Booth Bounty. Ini berarti Anda dapat mengidentifikasi identitas, pelaporan, dan kesalahan UX saat menggunakan produk ICO.
Yang harus Anda lakukan untuk berpartisipasi dalam proses yang menarik ini:
Buat sebuah akun
Pilih proyek Lakukan
Token Hadiah NMK dan detail tentang pelaksanaan ICO.
Token NMK adalah cara paling penting untuk membayar bonus dan agen startup di platform. Dengan demikian, setiap peserta platform dengan token NMK benar-benar dapat menerima token dari pelanggan yang ingin mentransfer ICO ke platform atau menggunakannya sebagai distribusi Airdrop mereka.
Token simbol NMK
Standar Ethereum ERC20
Mata Uang yang Diterima: BTC, ETH, LTC, USD
Jumlah total chip yang dikeluarkan: 400,000,000 NMK
Soft Cap-2.000 ETH
Hard Cap-20.000 ETH
Biaya Token: 1 NMK = 0,00048 ETH
Pengiriman chip baru akan berlangsung pada 21 Oktober 2018.
Investasi minimum-0,0048 ETH
Investasi maksimum - tanpa batasan.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/namekio/
Penulis: cinta monyet
Profil bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1957091
Alamat dompet Ethereum saya: 