Business here and there but no profits? Business ideas and investment and still nothing? Are you from Southeast Asia with the mindset and goal of having a fruitful business then please take your time to read on this project because we bring to you the solution to your problem. - CCECOIN
CCECOIN - CCE LIMITED ecosystem (CCE), has a variety of different investments and business interests, mostly located throughout the Southeast Asia region, and is working on the second level of local government, and with various Business Associations throughout the region.
Key areas of development of the business network of CCE is to foster and encourage business growth continued throughout the Southeast Asia region by applying the trading network, based on the technology of blockchain, between local vendors and a variety of client.
Our Mission At CCE
We are building an extensive trade network, or ecosystems, based on blockchain technology with the launch of the initial planned throughout the Southeast Asia region in 2019. This ecosystem is based on bringing together the parties in the process of trading trading is fully decentralized and transparent network that utilizes peer to peer. CCE has been developed CCECOIN, and introduced in the ecosystem, payment systems and the exchange of media utilizing CCECOIN. CCE ecosystem will provide the broad platform and offers payment mechanisms that facilitate trade, with a focus on bringing value to traders and further development of unique products from the Southeast Asia region.
Global trade is at the heart of the CCE's ecosystem. CCE introduced exciting new options to enhance trade and reduce costs. CCE facilitate trade between seller and buyer, reducing the cost of trade and ensure an efficient handling of payments. Buyers and sellers can buy and sell on blockchain in a transparent and open in ecosystems CCE-a trading system that leverages CCECOIN-soon to be promoted in the region.

But, more than just providing general support to the growth of the business throughout the region and facilitate trade with CCECOIN, CCE actively developing community-wide buyers and sellers by applying a model of direct sales in food certain luxury markets further reducing supply chain costs of these markets.
CCE has a variety of different investments and business interests, mostly located throughout the Southeast Asian region, and has worked on both levels of Government, and with various Business Associations throughout the region. Develop the business key is CCE business to push and encourage business growth continued throughout the Southeast Asia region by implementing a network of trade between local vendors and a wide range of clients, with the benefit of durian exotic fruit market, and the production of bird's nest.
Two profitable business sectors in South East Asia, which have unfulfilled demand, are business people who operate properly in the farmers market fruit durian, exotic and regional supply of edible bird's nest luxury products, highly sought after by wealthy located throughout China, and related areas. This product is sold in the market of luxury throughout Asia and provides a significant opportunity for CCE. CCE is active is building a community of buyers and sellers in the market area closed high value items using CCE token to help buyers to trade directly with the durian farmers and bird nest harvesters; bring an increase in the value of local markets, promote growth, and strengthen CCECOIN as means of Exchange option.
CCE International has set up a Durian lover's Club, and has interests in vertical agricultural food, which provides a healthy source of revenue for the CCE. This income is also equipped with CCE's more streams of income obtained through an interest in energy derivatives and interest in oil and petroleum products. CCE invests 10% of its annual profits into reserves to increase the value of CCECOIN. An additional 10% of profits earmarked for CCE charity dialysis centre growth involving decentralization; based in countries where local members of the Club and a member of the merchant is located. We appreciate and support the local community and intend to CCE develops into a strong trade media with a high rating of general acceptance. The number of CCECOINs that are issued is limited.
CCE invests in both the exotic durian fruit industry and luxury of the bird's nest market. ICO CCECOIN anticipated is fast approaching, and this will be the position of the CCE further invest in this sector. To understand how intelligent and blockchain employment contract, let's take time to focus on how CCE integrated business interests with the ecosystems of Southeast Asia, the soon-to-launch.
Modernizing the sales funnel durian has made little progress in the last few years. Wholesale big trying to fix market price with contract farmers early in the season. Wholesale one level sub-contracting with Wholesale two levels, that naturally extend to the distribution channels, the end is made to retailers and consumers. The problem of distribution and Wholesale prices is mainly controlled by the big corporations-in particular. The downside of this model is that the farmer eventually received a discount, as excess profit spreads through the supply chain.
The shelf life of fresh durian is very short, and because of inefficient distribution model currently in place, there is often a waste of which resulted in a high price-that affect the request. However, even with the high prices that are present in the market, farmers may not enjoy cutting their fair share of the cake. During the season the high volume, depending on the distribution contract in play, durian durian excess sold to processors at a discount price. This excess frozen Durian then converted into a paste or porridge and sold to a manufacturer of a wide range of products for flavor, but rarely the result of financial fortune by farmers.
Start time: October 1, [00:01 EST]
End time: 31 October [23:59 EST]
Exchange rate: 1 CCE = $0.10 + Bonus
Tokens are sold: 40 million CCE
Token matrix
Cap: £ 3 million
Hard hat: $10 million
Token symbols: CCE
Receive currency: ETH
Start time: 1 November [00:01 EST]
End time: 30 Nov [23:59 EST]
Exchange rate: 1 CCE = $0.10
Token for sale: 60 million CCE
Token distribution
Join the industry leaders to discuss the place of the market is heading. We accept payment token.
The use of crypto-currencies has become more widespread, and they are now increasingly accepted as valid currency for the transaction.
July 2018
Open for Vendor registration
August 2018
Private placement of CCECOIN begins
October 2018
ICO pre sales for CCECOIN
November 2018
December 2018
General trade CCECOIN
March 2019
Durian farm investment and planting
September 2019
Durian Festival in China, Malaysia and Thailand
Website: https://www.ccecoin.io/
Whitepaper: https://ccecoin.io/Whitepaper.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/ccecoin
Author : cinta monyet
Erc20 wallet address :0x27f2C553D029EB21ae74493b058A267779447b38
Bitcointalk Profile:https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1957091
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